“I just tripped. It was an accident. Why do I need an attorney”?

A slip and fall accident could be a lot more than a skinned knee and an embarrassing incident. Something that seems so simple and innocuous could cause additional pain and suffering as well as additional injuries.

This is a short list of common injuries resulting from a slip and fall accident:

Fracture or hairline fracture of the spine, hip, wrist, ankle, forearm, or hand

  • Spraining of the arm, hand, leg, or ankle
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Injury to the elbow(s) and knee(s)
  • Neurologic and other sensory impairment
  • Head and/or neck injury


Slip and fall accidents are also the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI).  Additionally, these accidents account for 46% of fatal falls among older Americans.

Just because you can get up and walk around after a slip and fall doesn’t mean there is no injury. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine what, if any, damage has been done.

It is also important to take photos of the area where you fell. There could be a number of safety precautions that were disregarded. Documentation is key in a slip and fall personal injury case.

While it is tempting to brush yourself off and carry on after a fall, it is far more important to make sure there are no injuries that you don’t “feel” yet. Sometimes an accident is just that, an accident. However, if safety protocols were ignored and there are injuries requiring ongoing care, filing suit may be necessary.

If you or someone you know has experienced a slip and fall accident and you’re not sure if you have a care, contact our office for a complimentary consultation.

We’d love to hear from you.

Please call or send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

650 Poydras St., Ste. 1400
New Orleans, LA 70130

Telephone: (504) 300-9932
Facsimile: (504) 556-2870
